There are many different laws and legislations to adhere to when you own a business, and it can sometimes be overwhelming to ensure you remain compliant. If your business and/or building is not compliant within the applicable regulations, laws and legislations there can be serious financial and legal risks; this is especially true of retail businesses.

As retail businesses often experience many different people visiting each day, there can be greater risk of something going wrong should your store not be maintained correctly. Here we will discuss five different compliance risks a retail business could face, and how a facilities management company could help to manage these.


Electrical Safety

In accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, all electrical systems must be maintained in a manner which prevents danger. Whilst these regulations don’t specifically require installations to be certified, reports produced as part of inspections are the only effective way of proving compliance.

With so much footfall through retail businesses it is essential that electrical equipment is well maintained and remains compliant. There are many different codes of practice, regulations and reports which detail how to remain compliant however, hiring a compliance maintenance company means this will be handled for you. With regular inspections and maintenance as necessary, you can be sure your electrics remain safe and compliant within the law.


Fire Safety

Fire safety is hugely important in a retail business and all fire safety equipment and planning should be in line with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and comply with British Standards. There are a number of aspects which need to be considered to ensure your business remains compliant. Things such as maintaining fire alarm systems, fire extinguishers and regularly completing risk assessments. Facilities management companies can ensure through regular checks, that your retail business is kept up to date with fire safety legislations and remain safe for employees and visitors.


Air Conditioning Maintenance

It is important to ensure that air conditioning units are well maintained in order to keep your retail environment comfortable for customers and employees alike. Air conditioning units need to be maintained properly in order to remain compliant; mainly in terms of their refrigerant gas.

Those units which have more than 3kg of refrigerant gas must be inspected and certified every 12 months and this is even more frequently for larger systems. General maintenance of air conditioning units is not a statutory requirement but is considered to be best practice.



Retail businesses can face a lot of security concerns in both a physical sense and in terms of data and cyber security. With security being such a concern, it is important that all the necessary steps are taken to protect your business and building. A facilities management team can ensure that your retail business has the best security possible to reduce the possibility of threats materialising; this can include things such as implementing CCTV and access controlled areas.


Poorly Maintained Stores

Poorly maintained stores can lead to a wealth of compliance issues in terms of health and safety risks. Things such as cleanliness, correctly installed shelving and units, working lights etc. are all important when ensuring your retail business remains compliant. Not only can issues with things like this lead to a loss of customers, but they could also pose serious legal issues. To ensure your retail business is well maintained, employ a facilities management company who will regularly check for potential issues and rectify them as required.

For more information about how MSL can help keep your business compliant, contact us for more information or read more about our retail facilities management and maintenance services.