
In continuation of our staff development programme MSL are proud to support Nicola Roper who achieved her SSiP Assessor certificate on 28th April 2016.

Nicola is MSL’s regional Safepartner manager and her responsibilities include contractor selection and their accreditation to & ongoing management of the MSL Safepartner scheme.

The IRCA safety schemes in procurement (SSiP) assessor certification scheme provides recognition of competence for individuals conducting Stage 1 Core Criteria assessments of contractors and consultants working in construction-related industries, against the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations, which came into force in April 2007.

Certification as an SSiP assessor provides:

To achieve certification as an SSiP assessor with IRCA you must:

Established in 2007, Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSiP) provides a forum for health and safety prequalification schemes to deliver this mutual recognition to the construction industry and to remove unnecessary duplication of assessment wherever practicable.

For more information on the SSiP forum see:
