In 2016 MSL started a journey to become a great company to work for and set about identifying the vision and values of the company and putting in place the structures to realise our objective.

MSL are delighted to have celebrated #BestCompaniesDay on Friday 3rd March along with similar companies nationwide which strive to engage with employees and create a great working environment.

Best Companies ( explains the accreditation as follows:

“Our accreditation programme is the standard for workplace engagement.

Accreditation tells your clients, partners, investors and employees that your organisation understands the importance of workplace engagement and genuinely values its people.

Whether you want to attract and retain top talent, benchmark your organisation against the best or simply recognise and celebrate great workplace engagement, an accreditation from Best Companies can make it happen.”

We were more than happy to supply food for all members of staff to celebrate the results of the first survey MSL had undertaken in accordance with Best Companies (unfortunately the camera man enjoyed the food so much he neglected to take the photo of the staff enjoying themselves!)

We hope to better ourselves in coming years and have taken on board all feedback presented as a result of the survey.
