Members of the MSL team are to undertake “Probably the toughest event on the planet” this summer, by participating in the Tough Mudder challenge based at Broughton Hall, Skipton.
Details of MSL’s charitable fundraising at this event will follow.
Tough Mudder is a 10-12 mile mud and obstacle course designed to drag you out of your comfort zone by testing your physical strength, stamina, and mental grit. With no podiums, winners, or clocks to race against, it’s not about how fast you can cross the finish line. Rather, it’s a challenge that emphasizes teamwork, camaraderie, and accomplishing something almost as tough as you are.
We would like to invite you to spectate and support the guys as they push their bodies & minds to their limit.
Just like in a sports stadium, Tough Mudder spectators and fans energise our Mudders– that’s why we offer discounted tickets for spectators who register before event day. Encourage Mudders as they muster the courage to run through 10,000 volts of electricity at Electroshock Therapy. Explore and enjoy our action-packed base area featuring music, refreshments, sponsor activations and exclusive Mudder Village obstacles for both participants and spectators to try out. This year, being a spectator at Tough Mudder is now nearly as exciting as running one. Children under the age of 13 will be free to get in as a spectator.
16 – 20 Kilometres, 20+ Obstacles
Featuring new 2016 obstacles, start summoning every bit of strength and mental grit you have, you’re going to need to it to earn that orange headband on this course.
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