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Whether your business is big or small, the pressure to keep it running efficiently and profitably can, at times, be overwhelming. This is where property maintenance companies can step in. Companies, like MSL, ensure that your facility is kept in top-notch condition by making sure that your building is clean, well-maintained and in good working order. Here are just some of the benefits of using a property maintenance company:


Providing both preventative and reactive maintenance, property maintenance companies will keep on top of all your maintenance needs. Whether that be ensuring your roof is secure and leak free or maintaining your plumbing systems, leaving your facility’s maintenance in the very capable hands of a property maintenance company will provide peace of mind.


Most property maintenance companies will be well-versed in all things compliance. From The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 to The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998, you can rest assured that they will take on all your compliance needs and ensure that your entire facility is compliant with all current laws and legislation.

Energy Efficiency

Property maintenance companies, like MSL, provide energy efficiency support, meaning that they can ensure that your company is running as energy efficiently as possible, thus helping you save money. For example, MSL can design, supply and install energy saving lighting systems as well as upgrade your current lighting to ensure it is as energy efficient as possible. Additionally, MSL also carries out the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), a mandatory energy assessment and energy saving identification scheme for large businesses, to identify cost-effective energy saving measures.

Cost and Time Effective

Whilst paying a property maintenance company may seem, initially, like an extra expense that you don’t need, in the long run this outgoing can actually save you huge amounts of money and time. A property maintenance company will ensure that the maintenance of your facility is kept in check. This helps reduce the chance of costly repairs and minimises any unexpected issues, which may cause your company to close whilst they are fixed. For example, a roof  which has not been looked after can lead to such disrepair that the entire roof needs to be replaced – a very expensive and time-consuming task. Whereas, if your roof is checked regularly by your property maintenance company, and any issues are fixed immediately, the likelihood of a complete overhaul is dramatically reduced.